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Endorsements.  Feedback.  Features.  Jule love. 

Origin Magazine

designated by


as one of the nation's TOP


​“The teacher...Jule Aguirre, looked ​​one part athlete, one part friend, one part spiritual guru.”

-jenny block, for elephant journal.   

"one part athlete, one part friend, one part spiritual guru"
by Jenny Block

My Nia practice was barely six months old when it suddenly felt like time to become a WHITE BELT…my instructor, Jule Aguirre ... was the perfect guide for our journey.

--jenny block, conscious dancer magazine.

​​ high-energy

all the way.  

​-​s. thompson, dallas morning news​​

Dallas Morning News endorsement of Jule Aguirre
Jule Defines 'self-love'
Jule Defines 'self-love'
​Featured in ORIGIN.magazine (issue 12)

​on defining self-love:
​'Conscious choice' is the igniter of self-love. Choice, whether big or small, life-altering or mundane, made in the light of "what, in this moment, will bring me the greatest joy... pleasure... peace... or sense of my deep-rooted authenticity..." is a RADICAL ACT of SELF-love.' 

--jule aguirre

​Featured presenter and blog contributor at Wanderlust

Wanderlust's first presenter of The Nia Technique, delivering 2 powerful presentations on the 'Yoga of Nia' to the Wanderlust community!


Nia is the perfect gift for the mom who dances around the kitchen

2011 Holiday Guide |  For the mom who dances around the kitchen:


Dancing in the kitchen is fine and all, but Mom's not going to improve her mind or her body much with that tired twist and shout.  Set her up with some Nia movement classes with Jule Aguirre at MoveStudio...Nia combines dance, martial arts and a variety of expressive movements just perfect for helping mom to find inner peace --and her abs too.

--by Jenny Block


Nia dancer

​I absolutely love dancing with Jule!  She has been a PIVOTAL inspiration and healthy spirit in my life.  As a classical ballet dancer/teacher, I watch her with JOY, and know that she loves her craft.  She's mastered the art of movement & interlaced it with the unifying joy of the spirit that only a true dancer can achieve.  In my entire career as a dancer, and it has been a long one, I have only seen this a hand full of times.  in my younger years, before cancer struck, I danced throughout Europe as well as with many companies here in the states.  Believe me when I tell you that Jule's spirit/energy is a RARITY. Jule is "well seasoned" in her art and approaches it with a refreshing spirit every time I am in her class.   


-​-melissa perry,  professional dancer

Dancing with Jule is experiencing a joyful, safe, loving moment...pure... engulfed in goodness

--​jackie waldman, author of the courage to give​

Nia + Multiple Schlerosis MS

"I had been an inconsistent NIA attendee for years.  Whenever I dropped into a class, people would ask me if I had ever worked with Jule.  I had not.  So... I “stepped in” to Jule’s class for the first time.  I stood there mesmerized at Jule’s work . . . the music, the dance, the community.  It was not just JOY but rather an acceleration of JOY.  “Ohhhh I want that,” I said to myself, ​“how do I get that”?  Months later, I completed my Nia White Belt Training with Jule.  I began the transformation from class attendee to Nia practitioner.  I learned how to move within my body and not just move in hopes of achieving a different body.  Although I felt I abandoned my body years ago, Jule and her training helped me to see that my body never abandoned me.  I find myself using tools from the White Belt Training, not only in my Nia practice but in my daily life almost daily.  The White Belt Training with Jule Aguirre truly is transformative."


--patsy tate, speech therapist, nia white belt​


Did you ever see the movie, "How Stella Got Her Groove Back"?  She must have attended Jule's Nia class!  Lost your MOJO? ...get to her class... QUICK!  Jule helps you get back into your body in the best of ways!


--​elexis rice, ph.d.​


A nurturing soul that transcends the spirit & joy of Nia...a "Nia genius" wrapped in a body of beauty that can move with both the lightness of air or the fierceness of jagged lightening.


​--dianne stephenson, UNNCF-dallas exec. dir.


Jule's talents extend beyond beautiful choreography; she delivers inner harmony, a sense of community & an intangible mind-body connection that is "moving" in BOTH senses of the word!


--sandra bienkowski​

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Jule Aguirre, M.Ed., LPC, NCC  

Mind-Body Psychotherapist  |   International Nia Faculty Trainer


Jule MOVES  integrative wellness seekers, delivering a powerfully dynamic, WHOLE BEing transformational experience.



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